US Army — Capelli New York

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US Army

U.S. Army licensed products
 live up to this measure of excellence
by delivering quality products that people can trust, respect and be proud to use to show their support.

Products include: Jump Rops & W/O Ropes, Exercise Balls, Hand Grips, Forearm Strengtheners, Push Up Bars, Ab Exercise Devices, Weights, Balance Board, Exercise Gloves, Sand Bags, Pull Up Bars, Home Gym Bars, Shapewear, Sport Bottles, Water Bottles, Waist Packs, and Braces

U.S. Army


The U.S. Army is the Nation's most versatile
force meeting the ever-changing challenges
of today. It has the scale and scope to adapt
to the challenges that arise both at home and abroad. The Army is constantly evolving its competencies and capabilities to prevail in complex environments to protect and preserve our Nation.

U.S. Army licensed products
 live up to this measure of excellence
by delivering quality products that people can trust, respect and be proud to use to show their support.

The Morale, Welfare and Recreation program is an organization set up to help benefit the lives of soldiers and their families. By becoming a licensee of the U.S. Army trademark licensing program, Capelli New York helps build day care facilities, activity centers and provide discounted trips to Walt Disney World for soldiers and their families.

By federal law, licensing fees paid to the U.S. Army for the use of its trademarks provide support to U.S. Army Morale, Welfare, and Recreation programs.
