Capelli New York

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Capelli designs, manufactures and markets on-trend private label and branded products for Women, Men, Teens, Tweens, and kids. As our headquarters are in the heart of New York City's fashion district, we are well positioned to not only deliver the products needed today, but also be at the forefront of the needs and challenges of tomorrow. Capelli New York provides private label, branded, and custom solutions for all our categories, always focusing on growing the company to meet any needs that our integrated structure allows for. Capelli New York offers their customers design with a consistent point of view across multiple fashion product categories. Our in-house design team has extensive knowledge and experience in trend forecasting and in the execution of the product design through completion.


One of the fastest growing companies in today’s junior and contemporary markets, Capelli New York designs, manufactures and markets on-trend private label and branded fashion products for Women, Men, Teen, Tweens and Kids. Founded in 1990 and based in New York City, the company’s coordinated product lines include fashion accessories, jewelry, hosiery, footwear, rainwear, Personal Protection Equipment, athletic gear, sleepwear, home fashion, and novelty gifts.