Daisy Fuentes — Capelli New York

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Daisy Fuentes

In 2004 Daisy Fuentes successfully launched the first clothing line bearing her name.

She made her debut in the haircare category with an all-natural hair care line called Daisy Fuentes Style Pro in March 2009 to mass retailers. Her workout game for the Wii, Daisy Fuentes Pilates, was released in August 2009.

Daisy Fuentes sold about $300 million worth of goods, including hair care, fragrances, clothing, sunglasses, and accessories each year during her 10 year partnership with Kohl’s department store.

Daisy Fuentes signed a prescription-eye wear licensing deal with Zyloware. Zyloware is an eyewear manufacturer that also has licensing deals with the American Idol judge, Randy Jackson, and Sophia Loren, for a women’s Latina-driven collection of prescription glasses.

Daisy Fuentes

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In 2004 Daisy Fuentes successfully launched the first clothing line bearing her name.

She made her debut in the hair-care category with an all-natural hair-care line called Daisy Fuentes Style Pro in March 2009 to mass retailers. Her workout game for the Wii, Daisy Fuentes Pilates, was released in August 2009.

Daisy Fuentes sold about $300 million worth of goods, including hair care, fragrances, clothing, sunglasses, and accessories each year during her 10 year partnership with Kohl’s department store.

Now her product line includes Apparel, Haircare, Fragrance, Sunglasses, and Accessories. After much success in the industry, Daisy Fuentes chose Capelli New York to enhance her existing product offering and strengthen her footprint with key retail partners.

With over 25 years of experience in the fashion industry, Capelli New York was a great fit for Daisy Fuentes. Capelli New York’s talent and eye for design lead them to create fashion forward accessories while maintaining the brand’s integrity.

The Daisy Fuentes product categories, designed and produced by Capelli New York include: Ladies and Children’s cold weather accessories, hair accessories, hats, scarves, rain boots, flip-flops, and girls handbags.

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